About Steve
Steve Creps is a professional golf instructor in Palm Springs, California, originally from Springfield, Oregon. His parents were both teachers, and each taught for 30 years. His father coached high school-level football, basketball, baseball, and golf. Steve believes that is why teaching and coaching are in his blood. He’s been teaching golf and club fitting for more than 30 years and has been the Director of instruction at Cathedral Canyon Country Club since 1996.
Steve received the Southern California PGA Section Club Fitter of the Year Award in 2002 and 2008, as well as the Teacher of the Year Award in 2009 and 2011 from their Southern California PGA Section Desert Chapter. When it comes to his professional golf lessons, Steve Creps PGA 'Class A' Golf Professional wants students to feel excited about learning and improving their golf game, as if they are saying, “THAT is the way I want to learn, from someone who is competent and will give me personalized attention with the relaxation of being in my own living room!”
- 2002, 2008: Awarded Club Fitter of the Year for the Southern California PGA Section
- 2009, 2011: Teacher of the Year Southern California PGA Section Desert Chapter.
- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: Teacher of the Year Southern California PGA Section (Finalist).
- 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2024: Awarded National Honors for Club Fitter of the Year for Ping #1 Club Fitting Company in the World.
- 2014, 2015: Club Fitter of the Year for the Southern California PGA Section Desert Chapter.
- 2018 President's Award for the PGA Section Desert Chapter. Chapter, section, and national awards for teaching and club fitting.
- December 21, 2000: Sober from Alcohol.

Contact us for more information on our professional golf instructor. Based in Palm Springs, California, we provide training service to golfers nationwide.